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Profile Jumper!


I was drowning in a sea of bookmarked browser folders and rogue links taking over my screen like unruly squatters.
Then I thought, “Stop wrangling with these wild links! Why not, just heard them all into one place?”.
Now, all my profile links are in one place, No more bookmark battles just space for the important stuff - like cat videos and recipes I’ll never cook.

Is this Free?

Want to say Thank You?

Sure, just a “Thank You” would be nice! (No need to send money or buy coffee).

Send me a Thanks! on X with the hashtag #ProfileJumper (or any other choice words) - this would make me most happy and grateful.
Knowing that someone else finds this useful is happiness squared.


Just a word on privacy, for the browser extension; none of your personal data, your profile links or anything else is captured or recorded. Even my ex couldn’t spy on you with this!
This too is confirmed on the Chrome Web Store (see Privacy sections).
However, I do monitor inbound links to this website so that I can improve information provided here.